About me

I am a film restorer and researcher from Argentina, now based in Berlin.

After my first experience as a junior scholar in film history I started to ask myself more and more about the source materials of our research. Where do our movies come from? How can we access to them? How were the DVD and VHS we used to watch created? What happened to the “lost movies”? Why do we always seem to write the Film History around the same canonical titles?

Then I shifted my focus on film preservation and restoration. I moved to France to study at INA. My Master thesis was about the unidentified fragments in the National Film Archive of France (now Direction du patrimoine cinématographique at Centre National de la CInématographie).

After working as a film archivist in Paris I moved to Portugal to work at Cineric, as a film restoration artist. Then I moved to Berlin to work for Pharos.

I have always been proactive and curious, so I collaborated in different projects in the meanwhile.

Education & Languages

FIAF trainings

I attended the FIAF Summer School of film preservation and restoration in Bologna in 2016, and I attended the FIAF Winter School "Programming Film Heritage" in Paris, in 2019 and in 2024.

Master en Gestion des patrimoines audiovisuels, INASup, Bry sur marne

A 2 years program offered by INA, the National Institute of Audio-visual, in charge of the French radio and television archives. I obtained the diploma in 2016 thanks to two scholarships:

  • Bourse Master Île de France, funded by the region of île de France

  • A scholarship from the National Film Institute of Argentina (INCAA)

Licenciatura en Artes Combinadas, UBA, Buenos Aires

This is a five years program offered by the University of Buenos Aires that combines:

  • a first part on theory and history of arts and

  • a second part on Film studies, theater and performance studies, with a focus on Latin America.

I graduated with honours in 2013.

Bachiller en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires

Public secondary school in Buenos Aires, Argentina, affiliated to the University of Buenos Aires. I graduated in 2003.


Spanish is my native language.

I am fluent in English, French and Portuguese.

I can understand written and spoken Italian and I am a eternal false beginner in German.